Thursday, July 5, 2018

Parent Resource- Trying new adventures

It is so important for kids to experience the world. Taking kids to the park, the grocery store, a concert, on a hike, to a restaurant are all valuable experiences that build background knowledge, demonstrate problem solving skills and feed the brains of kids. 

But with many of out kids it is extremely hard to do this. Meltdowns happen, kids run, its embarrassing and it is just easier to not bring kids. I totally understand. 

Here are some tips that might help make it easier:
  • Set yourself up for success- don't go to the grocery store and plan to get all of your groceries. Buy 2 things and leave. Celebrate the success of just going.
  • Do some planning- Kids often meltdown because they don't know what will happen, how long it will take and when they will be home.  Using a visual schedule like this can help. 
Visual schedule do not have to be complicated or perfect a few pictures, a drawing can help. Even an app like Choiceworks can help.
Keep a envelope of places in the car and then you can have them ready at any time for the common places you go.   For for complicated tasks like going to the movies plan the small parts like this: drive in car, park, buy ticket, stand in line, get snacks sit in seat, watch movie, bathroom, watch movie, walk to car, go home. Kids like when they see they are making progress through an event. 
  • For some kids a schedule is enough. For others understanding, how to behave in these situations is the problem. For this do some pre-teaching with social stories. Social stories are a specific method that is used to explain the world to people with autism and other developmental disabilities. They may seem corny or boring but they truly work.  Social stories need to be read to the student in a matter a fact way many, many times on a daily basis. (you will know them in your sleep.. which is good because so will your kid) Here are some examples. 

If you need more the site TeackersPayTeachers has lots. Or just ask, I am always willing to write one for you or to teach you the method of how to write one yourself. 
  • Reach out to other parents with kids with disabilities. Go out in groups. (Safety in numbers) Sometimes it is just nice to have someone that has gone through the same things.  (if you need other parents to contact let me know, I have can help get you connected) 
  • Remember just trying counts. There are lots of parents that understand what you are going through. Every new opportunity and every new experience helps your child grow a little. Even the failures. 

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Summer activities

  Summer is here!   Parents: Learning doesn’t end in the summer. Having adventures and experiencing new things builds background knowledge, ...